Thursday, April 26, 2007

Sauntering Through the Slope

April 26 PM Walk
After three previous days of rather paltry walks, I promised Chester that we would check out Prospect Park and some of Park Slope. We knew that uncomissioned street art would be largely unavailable. But we were pleasantly surprised to end up walking down Garfield Place and stumbled upon the bubblegum brownstone. Having read about this Park Slope curiosity months ago, Chester and I felt a sense of pride in having found the location of note. Check out a brief excerpt here

I suggested, and Chester agreed, that this indeed qualified as Street Art rather than Graffiti. Although I'm not so sure that this guy's neighbors (and property owners) feel it's art rather than a travesty to property value. However you label it, it was a nice surprise for us on this walk, and a nice shot of personality to a sometimes uptight and pretentous neighborhood.

Prospect Park, BKLYN
Park Slope, BKLYN